Duke OF
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
(The Duke of Ed or D of E) is a global program whose goal is to challenge, empower and recognize young people between the ages of 14-24. The Award has a long history of working with Cadet Programs in Canada due to many shared values and missions.
So, here at 690 Lakeshore Squadron, an award leader is present to help co-ordinate and guide eager Cadets towards achieving the award.
The award is offered at three different levels, each requiring more commitment:
Bronze (minimum 13 weeks)
Silver (minimum 26 weeks)
Gold (minimum 52 weeks)
Over their time in the program, participants will involve themselves in 4 different areas (All of which can be accomplished here at 690 Lakeshore!):
(musical instrument, drill practice, etc.)
Community Service
(volunteer car washes, Remeberance day parades, etc.)
(Friday night sports, Monday sports nights, etc.)
Adventurous Journey
(Fall/ Spring Survival FTX, etc.)
*Gold participants will also do a special Gold Project.

1. Participants must be 14 years or older
and can do so at: https://www.onlinerecordbook.org/fo/
2. Registration fee: 50$ (Tax included),
Just sign up under the Quebec record office, and in the 690 Lakeshore Squadron award unit!
Access the Online Record Book for the Duke of Edinburgh Award at: https://www.onlinerecordbook.org/fo/
Or, get the IOS or Android App for your smartphone, called: Orb Participant